Produces a spatiotemporal relative risk surface based on the ratio of two kernel estimates of spatiotemporal densities.

spattemp.risk(f, g, log = TRUE, tolerate = FALSE, finiteness = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)



An object of class stden representing the `case' (numerator) density estimate.


Either an object of class stden, or an object of class bivden for the `control' (denominator) density estimate. This object must match the spatial (and temporal, if stden) domain of f completely; see `Details'.


Logical value indicating whether to return the log relative risk (default) or the raw ratio.


Logical value indicating whether to compute and return asymptotic \(p\)-value surfaces for elevated risk; see `Details'.


Logical value indicating whether to internally correct infinite risk (on the log-scale) to the nearest finite value to avoid numerical problems. A small extra computational cost is required.


Logical value indicating whether to print function progress during execution.


Fernando & Hazelton (2014) generalise the spatial relative risk function (e.g. Kelsall & Diggle, 1995) to the spatiotemporal domain. This is the implementation of their work, yielding the generalised log-relative risk function for \(x\in W\subset R^2\) and \(t\in T\subset R\). It produces $$\hat{\rho}(x,t)=\log(\hat{f}(x,t))-\log(\hat{g}(x,t)),$$ where \(\hat{f}(x,t)\) is a fixed-bandwidth kernel estimate of the spatiotemporal density of the cases (argument f) and \(\hat{g}(x,t)\) is the same for the controls (argument g).

  • When argument g is an object of class stden arising from a call to spattemp.density, the resolution, spatial domain, and temporal domain of this spatiotemporal estimate must match that of f exactly, else an error will be thrown.

  • When argument g is an object of class bivden arising from a call to bivariate.density, it is assumed the `at-risk' control density is static over time. In this instance, the above equation for the relative risk becomes \(\hat{\rho}=\log(\hat{f}(x,t))+\log|T|-\log(g(x))\). The spatial density estimate in g must match the spatial domain of f exactly, else an error will be thrown.

  • The estimate \(\hat{\rho}(x,t)\) represents the joint or unconditional spatiotemporal relative risk over \(W\times T\). This means that the raw relative risk \(\hat{r}(x,t)=\exp{\hat{\rho}(x,t)}\) integrates to 1 with respect to the control density over space and time: \(\int_W \int_T r(x,t)g(x,t) dt dx = 1\). This function also computes the conditional spatiotemporal relative risk at each time point, namely $$\hat{\rho}(x|t)=\log{\hat{f}(x|t)}-\log{\hat{g}(x|t)},$$ where \(\hat{f}(x|t)\) and \(\hat{g}(x|t)\) are the conditional densities over space of the cases and controls given a specific time point \(t\) (see the documentation for spattemp.density). In terms of normalisation, we therefore have \(\int_W r(x|t)g(x|t) dx = 1\). In the case where \(\hat{g}\) is static over time, one may simply replace \(\hat{g}(x|t)\) with \(\hat{g}(x)\) in the above.

  • Based on the asymptotic properties of the estimator, Fernando & Hazelton (2014) also define the calculation of tolerance contours for detecting statistically significant fluctuations in such spatiotemporal log-relative risk surfaces. This function can produce the required \(p\)-value surfaces by setting tolerate = TRUE; and if so, results are returned for both the unconditional (x,t) and conditional (x|t) surfaces. See the examples in the documentation for plot.rrst for details on how one may superimpose contours at specific \(p\)-values for given evaluation times \(t\) on a plot of relative risk on the spatial margin.


An object of class ``rrst''. This is effectively a list with the following members:


A named (by time-point) list of pixel images corresponding to the joint spatiotemporal relative risk over space at each discretised time.


A named list of pixel images corresponding to the conditional spatial relative risk given each discretised time.


A named list of pixel images of the \(p\)-value surfaces testing for elevated risk for the joint estimate. If tolerate = FALSE, this will be NULL.


As above, for the conditional relative risk surfaces.


A copy of the object f used in the initial call.


As above, for g.


A numeric vector of length two giving the temporal bound of the density estimate.


Fernando, W.T.P.S. and Hazelton, M.L. (2014), Generalizing the spatial relative risk function, Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 8, 1-10.


T.M. Davies


# \donttest{
fmdcas <- fmd$cases
fmdcon <- fmd$controls

f <- spattemp.density(fmdcas,h=6,lambda=8) # stden object as time-varying case density
#> Calculating trivariate smooth...
#> Done.
#> Edge-correcting...
#> Done.
#> Conditioning on time...
#> Done.
g <- bivariate.density(fmdcon,h0=6) # bivden object as time-static control density
rho <- spattemp.risk(f,g,tolerate=TRUE) 
#> Calculating ratio...
#> Done.
#> Ensuring finiteness...
#>    --joint--
#>    --conditional--
#> Done.
#> Calculating tolerance contours...
#>    --convolution 1--
#>    --convolution 2--
#> Done.
#> Spatiotemporal Relative Risk Surface
#> --Numerator (case) density--
#> Spatiotemporal Kernel Density Estimate
#> Bandwidths
#>   h = 6 (spatial)
#>   lambda = 8 (temporal)
#> No. of observations
#>   410 
#> --Denominator (control) density--
#> Bivariate Kernel Density/Intensity Estimate
#> Bandwidth
#>   Fixed smoothing with h0 = 6 units (to 4 d.p.)
#> No. of observations
#>   1866 

plot(rho$f$spatial.z,main="Spatial margin (cases)") # spatial margin of cases
plot(rho$f$temporal.z,main="Temporal margin (cases)") # temporal margin of cases
plot(rho$g$z,main="Spatial margin (controls)") # spatial margin of controls

# }