Below is an interactive 3D surface plot of the PBC data with 1% tolerance contour shown in green.


The code to reproduce the above interactive is:


# load data

# split into cases and controls
pbc_case <- split(pbc)$case
pbc_cont <- split(pbc)$control

# estimate risk function
rho_hat <- risk(f = pbc_case, g = pbc_cont, h0 = 3.5, hp = 2, adapt = TRUE,
                pilot.symmetry = "pooled", tolerate = TRUE, resolution = 128, davies.baddeley = 0.025)

# extract grid and surface
xgrid <- rho_hat$rr$xcol
ygrid <- rho_hat$rr$yrow
z <- t(as.matrix(rho_hat$rr))

# setup colours
zr <- range(rho_hat$rr)
colpal <- spatstat.options("image.colfun")
cols <- colpal(200)
zbreaks <- seq(zr[1], zr[2], length = 201)
zcols <- cut(z, breaks = zbreaks, include.lowest = TRUE)

# setup window with correct aspect ratio
asp <- c(1, diff(Window(pbc)$yrange) / diff(Window(pbc)$xrange), 0.7)
persp3d(x = xgrid, y = ygrid, z = z, col = cols[zcols],
        aspect = asp, xlab = "", ylab = "", zlab = "")

# superimpose window boundary, approximately level with the surface
W <- Window(pbc)$bdry[[1]]
Wb <-$x, W$y)
Wz <- safelookup(rho_hat$rr, ppp(x = W$x, y = W$y, window = Wb))
Wx <- c(W$x, W$x[1])
Wy <- c(W$y, W$y[1])
Wz <- c(Wz, Wz[1])
lines3d(Wx, Wy, Wz, lwd = 3)

# superimpose 1% tolerance contour at correct surface height
P <- contourLines(xgrid, ygrid, z = t(as.matrix(rho_hat$P)), levels = 0.01)[[1]]
Pz <- safelookup(rho_hat$rr, ppp(x = P$x, y = P$y, window = Wb, checkdup = FALSE))
Px <- c(P$x, P$x[1])
Py <- c(P$y, P$y[1])
Pz <- c(Pz, Pz[1])
lines3d(Px, Py, Pz, lwd = 3, col = "green")

# draw grey plane at zero
persp3d(x = xgrid, y = ygrid, z = matrix(0, nrow(rho_hat$rr), ncol(rho_hat$rr)),
        add = TRUE, alpha = 0.3)

# render widget to webGL
rglwidget(width = 640, height = 480)